Why I Embrace a Feminine Design Style in My Brand Design Work

As a designer for wellness brands, my style has naturally leaned feminine over the years. Though, for me this runs much deeper than personal taste. For me, and the clients I work with, beautiful feminine design represents values that I want to instill into all of the work I do. I work with businesses who represent the same values. As you read below, I want to dive deeper into why my clients and I are drawn to feminine design, and what it has come to represent within my brand design work.

Before we begin, I want to acknowledge there are aspects to a growing definition of what “feminine design” means that I have yet to discover for myself. I would love to start a discussion on what this means to you. Visit our Instagram community here to join the conversation.

What Values Does Feminine Design Represent?

To begin, feminine designs naturally have a feeling of peace, nurturing, and growth. I am often inspired by nature during my design process. As you can see in my work below, this often means flowing lines and soft colors that pull you in, but do so gently. These designs are not about push and shove, but instead a natural and grounding gravity. It is not hard to guess who the target audience is. However, they also offer a resting place for whoever is in search of one. Not only places for your eyes to rest easily on the design elements, but a feeling of safety and trust for those intersecting with the businesses.

Though the definitions above may fit into a more traditional sense of what “feminine” is, my personal definition does not stop there. There is a unique type of strength found in feminine power, one I hope to draw upon within my designs. To me, femininity is built on power, drive, ambition, and innovation

I mentioned nods to nature within my work earlier, and it goes further. I recognize women in business as forces of nature. We are not only represented by the steady water and the persevering wildflowers, but by the storms. Our voice can be a hurricane within our industry, our businesses can truly make waves.

What Does This Mean For Your Audience?

Women-facing design styles are prevalent in the wellness space. In fact, even many wellness brands founded by men embrace feminine design to attract their ideal audience. But as a female brand designer working directly with other female entrepreneurs, this style is an authentic extension of our personal natures – not simply a design trick.

As I work with clients, we discuss in depth your dream customers. This is to build a brand that truly speaks to those people, that cuts through the noise and addresses some of their most emotional needs. Your brand can then become an invitation for your audience to step further into their truth. And perhaps this also means further into their femininity. 

This invitation is not only one your branding may extend to your audience, but it is one I extend to you. I love to see you lean into your femininity as you grow your business. To explore the unique characteristics you bring to the table. Whether that means your power, your strength, your nurturing, your peacefulness, your growth, or something else entirely. The joy of this process is choosing our own definition for who we want to be – as women, and as business owners.

Embrace Your Unique Femininity Within Your Business

I feel that in the male-dominated business world, it is easy to think our business needs to look, run, or grow a certain way. Comparison can feel never-ending, constantly nipping at our heels as we climb towards the glass ceiling, desperate to break it. Especially when being a business owner, a CEO, a boss, or an entrepreneur has looked one way for much of history – bearded and deep-voiced.

The joy of today’s business world is in its diversity. With many unique voices ringing strongly. And it is my job as a brand designer to help you be heard. To come to understand your voice and transform it into the language of design, so it can reach the right ears for your message and your products.

Uncover Your Powerful Brand Design

So whether your brand voice is still being formed, or you have been shouting from the rooftops but don’t feel heard, I can help. Click here to learn more about how the brand design services I offer apply to your business goals. I am happy to put together a custom quote for you.

I want to begin a design process where you feel heard and supported. And the outcome will be a beautiful brand that represents your values, ready to impact those searching for exactly what you have to offer.

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