How to create a vision board - tips for manifesting your dreams.

Have you ever wanted to have a creative avenue to manifest your goals and desires? Envision your future with more purpose and intention? A vision board is an empowering tool that goes beyond wishful thinking.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals. While a moodboard is for aesthetics, a vision board is a way to set your intentions on what you want for the future.

How do I create one?

Here are some tips for creating a vision board. Allow yourself to dream big. What are your biggest goals, visions and ambitions? What is your ideal vision for your future? Visualize your future by creating a vision board.

01. Start with categories and define your goals.

Here are a few journaling prompts to get you started:

Health – How are you nourishing your mind, body and soul? 

Career – What kind of work do you love doing?

Wealth – What does a wealthy life look like to you? 

Travel – Where do you want to travel? 

Family – What do you want in your relationships? 

Lifestyle – What does a dream day in your life look like? 

Hobbies – Which hobbies bring you the most joy? 

Education – What do you love to learn about? 

Love – What makes you feel loved? 

Once you have the big picture of your dream vision for your future, it’s time to break it down and start planning. Define your priorities. What areas of your life matter most to you? Consider career milestones, personal development, and health and wellness. Having a clear understanding of your objectives is essential.

02. Gather Inspiration

Creating a vision board should be fun. Collect things that inspire you. Gather images, words and phrases that represent your future goals and aspirations. Flip through magazines or search online for images and words that align with your goals. Choose visuals that evoke positive emotions.

03. Put It All Together

There are several types of vision boards you can create. Some examples include: video, digital, physical and audio.

Once you’ve gathered your materials, create your vision board. Personalize it with your own photos, quotes, or affirmations. You can create a digital vision board using platforms like Pinterest or Canva.

Place your board somewhere you will see it everyday to act as a reminder and keep you motivated. You can use it as the screensaver on your phone or desktop. Or you can create a pin board to hang in your office or by your bed. 

The board should serve as a source of motivation and inspiration. Take a moment everyday to reflect and visualize yourself achieving your goals.

04. Create an Emotional Attachment to Your Goals

Embody your vision. Envision the future you want. Allow yourself to experience how you will feel when you reach these goals. Tap into the emotional connection you have with them. Use the present tense when talking and thinking about your goals. The more you embody them, the more aligned you will be with them. 


For example: instead of I want to lose 20 pounds you could say: 


I am 20 pounds lighter. I workout every day. I have plenty of energy to do the things I love. I have a healthy relationship with food. I prioritize my health and take care of myself everyday. I love and appreciate my body and all it does for me.


The more specific you can get about your goals the better and more aligned you will be with them.


Think about the reason why behind the goal you want. The feeling it gives you. Take inspired action towards reaching your goals. 

05. Start With One Goal

Clarify through simplicity. Rather than spreading your energy across various goals, focus on one goal. 


Allow yourself to create a clear vision of what success looks like. Reduce the overwhelm and stress of trying to tackle multiple goals at once. 


Once you have defined a clear path for your goal, you can incorporate it into your daily routine. 


After you have incorporated one goal into your routine, then you can add on other goals.


Habit stacking is a great way to do this. Habit stacking is incorporating a healthy habit onto a habit you are already doing. An example would be to add meditation into your routine while brushing your teeth. 


Reinforce your goals through continued learning. 

Explore different learning styles to see which one resonates most with you. 

Some learning styles include: 

Auditory: Auditory learners absorb information best through listening. Examples include: Lectures,  Discussions, Podcasts and Audiobooks.


Visual: Visual learners thrive on images, diagrams, and visual aids. Examples include:  Mind maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams, Videos and Tutorials.


Physical: Physical learners learn best from hands-on experiences and movement. Examples include: experiments, hands-on projects, and interactive activities.


Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners learn best through movement and physical activities. Examples include: Combining Learning with Physical Activities. Integrating learning into activities make the educational experience more kinesthetic.

06. Cultivate a Good Mindset

Cultivating the right mindset is tied to achieving your goals. Embrace a growth mindset and focus on the things you want rather than dwelling on problems.


A few books I love related to mindset are:

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

The Art of Living by Bob Proctor

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Creating a vision board is a powerful way to manifest your dreams and turn them into reality. By visually representing your goals, you engage your subconscious mind. You enhance your focus on what truly matters to you. Embrace the creative process. Let your vision board become a tool in your journey towards fulfillment. Manifest your goals with positive energy and intention.

Vision Board Template Instagram Stories
Vision Board Template Letter

I put together some free templates you can use digitally or printed: 

Instagram Story/Reel Vision Board Template (1080×1920)

Instagram Post Vision Board Template (1080×1920)

Instagram Letter Template (11×8.5in)

Get the free vision board templates

Send me the Canva vision boards templates.

Cindy Albanese

Hi, I'm Cindy. I'm a branding expert who is passionate about health and wellness.

I’m here to help you build a brand you delight in, save you time and add more joy to your business.

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