The Top 3 Ways to Amplify Your Branding in 2023
I can feel it in the air – can you? So many business owners I have connected with are itching for more in 2023. More growth, more alignment, and all of it with more consistency. Everything about the start of this year feels especially fresh, motivating, and exciting. I know I am not the only one feeling it, and I hope you are too.
If you are truly ready for more with your business in 2023, this newfound energy is not enough to make it happen on its own. It will take physical and emotional investments in yourself and in your business. It will take deeper dives into your branding than you have taken before. But I will also take a thoughtful action plan. My desire is never to add to the running list of “shoulds” that are so present during new year’s resolutions season.
That is why I am keeping this list simple, with just three recommendations. And each will help you identify areas you need to improve when you are ready for the next step. So beginning with the first important step, here are the top three ways to strengthen your 2023 branding:
Revisit Your Brand Messaging and Strengthen it Where Needed
I always recommend taking consistent opportunities to re-evaluate your brand message, values, and voice. January is one of the most obvious times to do this, so don’t let it pass you by!
Brand messaging is not something you should only define once and then never pause to check in on. It may evolve over time, as you and the world do. Or you may learn from experience and customer feedback that your values are not shining through as clearly as you think they are.
If possible, gather that kind of feedback from your previous customers. If you are confident in your branding messaging, check that it is not getting lost in translation. Review your brand values with your team, to make sure you are unified.
All of this will prepare you for my next recommendation:
Make 2023 the Year Your Invest in Your Website
I recently listened to a business trend podcast episode, where the host predicted that 2023 is the year of WEBSITES. With oversaturated social media channels, we continue to need something to give us extra proof of who we should work with, learn from, and purchase from.
In the past, too many creatives have neglected their website. Instead they have thrown all of their energy into their social platforms, using them as their main place to connect and sell. I also believe that neglected websites will no longer cut it, as buyers become more and more educated and therefore picky. The influx of info is overwhelming, and your website is what can cut through the competition. Your website should make your brand the obvious and no-brainer choice.
That is because while Instagram has always been best for connecting, Tik Tok is great for entertainment, and Pinterest for inspiration – your website is ultimately what sells. Your website is for the ultimate final proof of credibility. There you can present case studies, testimonials, reviews, and in-depth information that a smart shopper will base their final decision off of.
If your website does not include all that credibility building content, fix that as quickly as you can. If your products or services need clarifying, hone in on your copy. If it visually does not represent your brand messaging properly, reach out about my brand design services. Whatever your website needs, give it the attention is deserves in 2023.
Update Your Social Media Graphics
As you review your brand messaging and then your website, you will likely want to take this new excellence over to your socials. This leveling up can include new custom social assets. Reach out here if that is the route you are ready for!
I also offer many social media template bundles organized by industry. That way you can find graphics that were built for entrepreneurs you, and easily update them for your brand fonts and colors.
Click here to complete your 2023 level up with fresh Instagram graphics!